8 FREE Apps for Seniors

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Here’s a quick list of FREE iPhone apps that are beneficial to senior citizens:

1 ► AARP – With the AARP app, you can save money, stay informed and share favorite content with your friends.

2 ► Free Rx Card – helps people with little or no prescription drug insurance to save money on their prescription drugs with FREE discounts. This includes senior citizens on fixed incomes and Medicare.

3 ► Pill Reminder+ – Complete FREE Pill Reminder app, which will give you all functionality to remember your daily pills.

4 ► Retirement Readiness Calculator Mobile – helps you understand how much money is needed by you for a financially secured retirement.

5 ► Sciddy – find U.S. businesses that offer FREE discounts to people 50 years of age and older. Find discounts for food, entertainment, shopping, home services, travel, health, and a whole lot more in hundreds of cities across the country.

6 ► SeniorMagLive – for upbeat, active people 49 years of age or older.

7 ► Social Security Income Planner – for individuals who would like to Review/Compare CashFlow (Monthly & Yearly), Total Lifetime Benefits available for various Social Security claiming strategies.

8 ► WebMD – helps you with your decision-making and health improvement efforts by providing mobile access 24/7 to mobile-optimized health information and decision-support tools including WebMD’s Symptom Checker, Drugs & Treatments, First Aid Topics and Local Health Listings.

►► More FREE iPhone Apps ◄◄