FREE Tidal Scrub – Up to 12 FREE!!!!!

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You can get up to 12 FREE Tidal Scrubs!

Here’s how…


Sign up ►► HERE ◄◄


Refer Friends – from 1 to 10 – and earn FREE Tidal Scrub

1 Referal = 1 FREE

2 Referals = 2 FREE 

10 Referals = 12 FREE!!!

Tidal Scrub utilizes the power of the ocean to NATURALLY fight off dangerous bacteria, microbes, and other germs. Not only keeping your scrub cleaner, but smelling fresher as well!

Environmentally friendly!
Tidal Scrub is 100% biodegradable, natural, and non-toxic. Throw it in your compost instead of filling landfills with gross foam sponges!

Note – it states that this offer ends once they launch in December  March  April  (they keep changing it so I would still sign up)