Categories: FREEBIES

Keep Customers Coming Back to Your Amazon Seller Account

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Selling on Amazon can be a profitable business, and one focus you should have as a seller is to keep customers coming back. That goal can be challenging, considering your competition on the platform. It doesn’t help that the Amazon algorithm can end up hiding you from your customers, either. Freebies can get their attention, but you need more than that to keep their attention. Here are some tips that should help you in your goal.

Start by making the customer journey enjoyable

When you want your customers to come back, you must make your customer experience as enjoyable as possible. However, since you are on Amazon’s platform, you will have to operate within limits. One method to make customers like your product experience is to explain what they will get via videos and good descriptions. It ensures that they will be happy with what they get. Another thing you should do is add something personal. For example, throw in coupons and discounts for returning customers when you pack your delivery for them.

Get some automatic assistance

Providing a great experience will require you to track various factors. Doing it manually is difficult, so you should get some software to help. For example, if you look at the best repricing tools of 2022, you can choose one that will allow your prices to stay competitive compared to others. Additional tools can be customer management software and inventory monitors. All of them will help ensure a smooth customer experience.

Optimize your delivery service

A vital part of the Amazon experience is the deliveries. Amazon customers like fast and free deliveries. If you can offer both, you will indeed retain a customer. At the very least, you should be able to offer one of the two. People will be willing to pay a premium for fast delivery, and they can wait for the savings from free delivery. However, it isn’t easily able to offer this service. You’ll need to work with good logistics partners to be sure to mail things out the way customers want them. Besides the delivery, you should have a solid system to process your orders correctly.

Be ready for negative reviews and returns

Customer satisfaction ensures that buyers come back. On the other hand, unhappy customers will leave negative reviews and convince others to buy from another seller. You should do your best to combat them through these methods. First, you should respond and resolve any negative reviews immediately. Convert them back into happy customers, if possible.

They can become return customers if they are happy enough. Second, you should have a returns policy that is reasonable and easy to fulfill. Finally, customers should have a chance to get refunds or replacements for faulty products.

Final thoughts

It is always easier to keep an existing customer than get a new one. Acquiring a new customer can cost you 5 to 25 times more than retaining one. Combine that with the potential sales, and you get a good reason to focus on customer retention. Start with your efforts now to ensure that you keep your customers.

Image: https://unsplash.com/photos/C3V88BOoRoM

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