Try This Top-Rated $35 Acne Treatment Gel for FREE

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Take a different approach to clearing—and preventing—your acne. Non-comedogenic, fragrance-free Differin Gel contains the retinoid adapalene, the first over-the-counter active ingredient for acne in more than 30 years. It’s what you and your skin have been waiting for. Use daily. Live beautifully.

Got a month? Get clearer skin.

Offer only applies to one (1) purchase of Differin Gel 15g or 45g up to a maximum refund price of $35.00, excluding sales tax. All purchases must be made between 1/1/2022 and 12/31/2022.

Use Differin Gel every day and if your skin isn’t clearing up, you’ll get it FREE!  Submissions must be 30 days post-purchase of the product.

Offer ends 12/31/22 or while limited number available last,