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Tony Roma’s serves its signature ribs, world famous onion loaf, seafood, and steaks and they many locations will help you celebrate your birthday by giving you a FREE entree (or other offer).
Sign up for the Rib Expert Club for offers, including their FREE Birthday Offer. Offer and participation may vary by location.
@FreebieDepot Hi there! It varies by location! All guests can join our Rib Expert Club via!
— Tony Roma’s (@tonyromas) June 23, 2015
Tony Roma’s locations are franchised and individual locations may not offer this promotion. It is recommended that you call ahead to verify the birthday promotion and what the requirements and details are at the location that you wish to visit.
I have not received my BD Freebie yet. Diane Burga
Diane – you need to contact Tony Romas for your Birthday Freebie
My wife Theresa Matechuk has her brithday this month. every other she got a gift certificte but has not got one thyis year
my wife and i filled out your bd entry form at your 137 ave location where we go every year with another friend on his bd last year. we never received a reply or anything. we are both pensioners and my friend has received the bd gift certificate for a number of years, do you not offer that bd free meal anymore
my bd is nov 12 and my wifes bd is dec 23my friends name is allan joseph spotowski he has received the bd certificate for years every year
My Birthday is this month. How do I get your BD Certificate for Stuart Florida ?
Bernie – Contact your local restaurant.
Yes me and my friend always use to receive free birthday meal coupons and haven’t lately been receiving them ,wondering why ? My friend Mary S. and my name Sylvia B.
Sylvia – you need to contact the restaurant directly. FreebieTim
How do I join the B-Day club? My husband is in he gets his every year. We are in Orlando the ribs are the best!
this year was first time Tony Roma’s missed my birthday which was last Thur.the 25th.Was disappointed love this place and my boyfriend and I take each other there for our birthday every year plus we go there in .
Vivki – You should contact the restaurant directly about his matter. FreebieTim