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Here are 7 FREE Fitness apps that are Fit to feature!  HA!

These should keep you on track for your New Year’s Resolution.

1 ► Calorie Counter and Diet Tracker by MyFitnessPalicon – the fastest and easiest to use FREE calorie counter. With the largest food database of any calorie counter (over 2 million foods), and amazingly fast food and exercise entry, we’ll help you take those extra pounds off!

2 ► Fitness Buddy FREE icon– over 300+ exercises with detailed descriptions, animations and an assortment of workouts.  Recommended by EPSN magazine!

3 ► The 7 Minute Workouticon – This FREE app will give you a full body workout in 7 minutes!

4 ► Weight Diary FREEicon – Use the goal calculator to plan your diet. Add a personal goal to see the remaining time based on your current rate of weight loss.


5 ► WebMDicon – Trusted Information for Your Health and Wellness Questions – FREE app helps you with your decision-making and health improvement efforts by providing mobile access 24/7 to mobile-optimized health information and decision-support tools including WebMD’s Symptom Checker, Drugs & Treatments, First Aid Topics and Local Health Listings.

6 ► Daily Ab Workout FREEicon – Daily Ab Workout is a great 5 to 10 minute daily ab routine for men and women that steps you through ten of the best ab-sculpting exercises you can do in the comfort of your own home.

7 ► Nike+ Training Club – Workouts & Fitness Plans – Get expert guidance, workouts you can do anywhere and the motivation you need to get fit. Including FREE workouts and personalized training plans, all guided by Nike Master Trainers, our easy-to-follow videos take you through every drill. When you’ve completed a workout, share your progress with friends and the Nike+ community.

► More FREE iPhone Apps